Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Asking for and Giving Opinion

Asking for and giving opinions
  • I think .....
  • I suppoese .....
  • In my opinion, .....
  • What do you think about .....?
  • What is your opinion?

  • I agree with you
  • Exactly! That’s what I had in mind
  • Absolutely! I’m  on your side.
  • You’re right
  • I’m on board with

  • I disagree with your opinion.
  • That’s true, but.....
  • Your opinion may be right, but .....
  • I know what you’re saying, but .....

Social Function ; To sustain interpersonal relationships with teachers, friends, and others.

Learning focus:
  • Asking for and giving opinion
  • Agreeing and dissgreeing

  • Modal Auxiliary : Should, -ed and –ing adjectives 

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